Health Department

  1. Support in mobilization and administering of Vitamin A and Albendazole in collaboration with JDF and Christian Aid UK in Kohov, Kwande LGA (2019)
  2. Implementation of integrated HIV Testing Services/Routine Immunization [HTS/RI] (SOML/SMOH/CiSHAN) outreach in Tarka (March 2019)
  3. Implementation of Maternal and New Child Health Week [MNCHW] (SOML/SMOH/CiSHAN) in Tarka LGA (Feb 2019)
  4. Implementation of Maternal and New Child Health Week [MNCHW] (SOML/SMOH/CiSHAN) in Makurdi LGA in Collaboration with CEPACOV. (2018)
  5. Implementation ACF of TB in Gboko LGA by one of our staff in Collaboration with CRS (2018)
  6. Maternal and New Child Health Week [MNCHW] (SOML/PHCB) in Ushongo LGA (June and December 2017)
  7. Implementation of Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Testing (MRDT) and drug administration outreach in Lessel, Ushongo LGA (2016)
  8. Implementation of HIV Testing and Counseling (HTC) outreach in Lessel, Ushongo LGA (2015)
  9. Intensified Case Finding of TB (CIHP/CDC) [Volunteered two Research Assistants] at General Hospital Vandeikya, Vandeikya LGA, 2015
  10. Distribution of Treated Mosquito-Nets to pregnant women and nursing mothers at Karmem Settlement, Behind Modern Market, Makurdi LGA (2009)